Just in time for the Holiday Season, we have a new "On Sale" page.
TSSD Painted Plains Indian Warriors Set #13 Lot 2
TSSD Painted Plains Indian Warriors Set #14 Lot 2
TSSD Painted George A. Custer Figure #2
TSSD Dismounted Cavalry and Plains Indians Combo Set Little Big Horn
TSSD Painted Crazy Horse Sioux Indian Little Big Horn Figure #2
TSSD Painted Plains Indian Warriors Set #14
TSSD Painted Plains Indian Warriors Set #13
TSSD Painted Lt. Colonel George A. Custer Figure
TSSD Mounted Plains Indians Set #16
TSSD Plains Indian Warriors Set #14 Buckskin
TSSD Plains Indian Warriors Set #13 Buckskin
TSSD Plains Indians with Casualties Set #18
TSSD Custer and Crazy Horse Light Gray Set #TSSDCC